Each year we create a little video of Jamie's classroom. It's a souvenir for us as well as for his classmates' parents. This year we asked Classroom 8's young students their thoughts and opinions on this past year of school.
Every year since his birth, we–Jamie’s parents–have made a video for him. It’s an opportunity to reflect on the year before, inaugurate the year ahead, and slowly build toward a video library of his childhood.
For his third birthday, we decided to interview Jamie to hear his own thoughts on his third year of life. It turned out to involve a lot of animal sounds.
Every year, we—Jamie’s parents—make a video to commemorate his birthday. It’s an opportunity to reflect on the year before, inaugurate the year ahead, and slowly build toward a video library of his childhood.
For his 6th birthday, we decided to focus on his love for Legos. First we interviewed him to gather his thoughts on his singular obsession. Then we took his quotes from the interview and structured them into a beat poem (of sorts). Finally, Jamie performed the beat poem in a studio setting, which we then interspersed with time lapse B-roll of him building a variety of Lego sets.
Needless to say, it was one of his favorite videos to make.
Jamie's second year was all about learning language. That's why we incorporated his very own words into this special birthday rhyme. "Day in the Life" chronicles a typical day in Jamie's life, filled with all the wonderful little idiosyncrasies of an almost 2 year-old.